Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Two People Same but Diffrent Lives

Authors Note: I am writing a compare and contrast paper about two different characters from two different books. Sent by Margaret Peterson Torn and the book Gone by Michael Grant.

Jonah is the main character of the story, The missing book 3, Torn, and Sam is the main character of the story, Gone. Both of these characters are similar and different in many ways. In both of these books the main characters have extremely strange events in their lives.

When comparing the two novels, Sam and Jonah both desired to be free from their troubles. Where they lived the events that happened in their lives and how their lives would become. Sam lived in a small town of Perdido Beach, after a strange accident the town was put inside a strange dome. Jonah finding out that he was kidnapped from the past goes on extraordinary adventures through time. After being sent to fix time Jonah still does not discovers were he really belongs. In these situations, many people would not want to be in the shoes, but for Sam and Jonah it is just the begging of the strange lives.

Another similarity between Sam and Jonah in each novel, is that they both feel as if they don’t know there true potential in life or how what their future will bring. Both know that the future for them will be a dramatic change but try to focus on the present, by thinking of how great there life is and how it will hopefully be. They have strange and unexplainable lives but Sam has a positively harder life than Jonah. 

An example of a difference between Sam and Jonah was that Sam had suffered during his changes more than Jonah did. When Sam’s live when crazy is when he lost everyone he loved above the age of fifteen. Sam also had to deal with many deaths by other kids his age. Jonah did not suffer as much as Sam even though Jonah did not have real parents, he never had to know them and suffer the loss of his parents. 

Additionally, a difference between Sam and Jonah was that Same lost his family and a lot of his friends and Jonah didn’t, because he was adopted and did not know his real parents. Many other kids we kidnapped from different times but never had the chance to know their parents like Sam did.

Lastly, Jonah did not have to fight a war with kids with unbelievable powers that injured many including him. People that lived in Perdido Beach had to face the new leaders punishment, anyone using their powers had cement blocks placed on their hands. Even though Jonah had troubles none of them could be as great as Sam’s.

In conclusion, there are many similarities and differences between these two character. Even though these characters lived in different ways of life, they shared many similarities and differences on how they dealt with there problems.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Trojan horse

The conflict was if the should bring the horse in the city or not. They eventually decided to bring it into the city. It was resolved after they brought it into the city after they said the gods we not like them to burn it. The people of troy thought that the horse was a gift the greeks left. So they brought it into the city but some of the greek armor was hiding it it. 

I think it could happen because people do all the time. such as on christmas people bring out boxes that have people in them to scare the person. I have seen it done in many movies were the actor is trying to sneak in a place or past somebody, they will hide in a cart or crate that is being moved inside a place so they can get in.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Who Am I

The Mean Green Fighting Machine

Getting chased by the army when he is enraged and a physicist when not. Running through the streets with ripped shorts. Almost infinite rage, anger for anything that wants to capture him. Smart when calm yet not when enraged. Started from gamma ray radiation and not able to control his rage. 

When enraged he turns into a colossus man with huge muscles, and when he isn't, he is just a plain physicist. Started when he was exposed to the blast area of the gamma radiation after a system malfunction. Running from himself when he is fueled with rage and trying to make the military understand that he is a normal human. 

After becoming the fighting machine, he discovered how is the way he is .His father was a scientist for genetics growth after being refused to work in that category his dad lost it. His dad got fired for doing human trials on himself which is how he got it. Afterward his dad started a nuclear meltdown that destroyed his home town.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

"After You, My Dear Alphonse

I think that it relates to reverse racism when the mom starts saying all this stuff to this boy, like when she assumes hes' poor or that he doesn't get to eat a lot. Also when she assumes his dad does hard labor or tries to give him clothes, but it turns out the whole time that she is wrong about everything. And that it turns out that his life is almost the same as her life.

I think it can be compared to pewaukee in many different ways. The first way is in the story the mother thinks a lot like we do, such as she assumes she already knows everything about the person. For us it is what we think about other towns and how they are compared to us. What I think shirley Jackson is trying to teach us is not to assume how people live or act by their race. Also assuming things about people in the end can make you look like the dummy.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Over powering

Author’s note: I am writing this to show my understanding of conflict and resolution.

In the book Gone,  After going in something the kids of Perdido Beach called the FAYZ Sam has many troubles, it is easy to tell though that Sam already has many troubles many troubles and conflicts in his life. Like how Sam does heroic things but fades away fast, or how he never knew his real dad and scared away his step dad. The main conflict is  after all adults disappear and kids discover some strange abilities a war starts between Caine and Sam making it person vs. person.

In the book everyone I Perdido Beach has a basic normal life with bullies and teachers till they disappear. When the strange event happens people stand up to keep order and piece in the town. After many issues Sam teams up with his friends and his biggest crush. Struggling to take in the fact they have no parents and had no time to save many babies that had been left. Many of the kids overcome and move on and continued living there lives.

The conflict was resolved but not truly resolved between Sam and Caine. After many events in the book there is a war just before they poofed they discovered how to beat it. Sam realized that he must stay and fight to save his friends and love, but Caine had already discovered how to beat the beast. When returning to reality Sam caught Caine and temporarily ended the war. Everyone knew that that Caine would return to take his revenge on Sam.

In conclusion Sam had discovered how to use his ability and had temporally  ended the war. Sam also discovered his true friends and his one and only love. Caine had promised to return for his revenge 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Response to A clean well-lighted place

 The young waiter has no patience at all and just wants to go home to bed. The young waiter feels that the old man has had to much to drink and should go home. The old man asked for more till the young waiter makes him go home. The old waiter is a patient. It shows that being patient has better result because sometimes you can make people impatient but don't care. I think that maybe the cafe represents life and the people inside choose how they want to be in life.

The director of this short film had it almost like the story. One major change was the old man was outside in the story but the video he was inside the cafe. Almost the rest was exactly like the book in good detail. Using the strange music in the beginning of the video made and eerie tone, but later was used and sound a little sad instead of eerie. The screen shot lengths seem to be long making it seem to go a little slow.

 I dislike the video because the video is slow and dull. The lighting somewhat takes the dullness away by brightening up the room. Though outside makes it seem extremely dull with the low light. I liked the video when the man went to the bar, because the lighting was good and there was people instead of just one man and some empty seats. I think that it is a good video based off of the story.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

A clean, well-lighted place

The young waiter has no patience at all and just wants to go home to bed. The young waiter feels that the old man has had to much to drink and should go home. The old man asked for more till the young waiter makes him go home. The old waiter is a patient. It shows that being patient has better result because sometimes you can make people impatient but don't care.