Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Thank The Founding Fathers

Authors note: I believe without them many thing would been different than it is now.

The Founding Fathers were political leaders who participated in the American Revolution. They participated by signing the declaration of independence. Also taking place in the Revolutionary war, and  establishing the united states constitution. The founding fathers gave us so much. Nothing would be the same without them.
            I would sincerely like to thank the founding father for what they have done. Signing the declaration of independence has changed plenty of thing. The declaration gave us right that we would have never had. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion or the fact the all people are treated equally.
            There two different groups in the founding fathers. The signers and the framers. The signers were the one who signed it. Giving independence to everyone including you and me. The framers  were the ones who created the declaration of independence. Taking time to draft it sometimes most likely have to start over and make it better. Till they had it supreme and ready to be presented to get signed.
            Many of the founding fathers used to b ordinary people.   Benjamin Franklin was an inventor and  newspaper editor in Philadelphia. John Adams was a young boy who skipped school to fish and hunt. His father wanted him to have a formal education and eventually become a teacher . George Washington was a young man with and elementary education. Even though they may have had bad past they got extraordinary futures.
            If one thing had changed their past we could have never had this future. I thank them for doing what they did and knowing what is write. Doing many things to help our country they did the best. Many people have did things to change history the founding fathers changed history the most.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

In Darkness Death

Author's note: This is my retelling piece on the book In Darkness Death.

Siekie and Judge ooka try to solve the murder of lord Anaba. The only way to solve the mystery is to go on a deadly Journey  finding clues. When they find to final clue they are shocked on what they uncovered.

Author: Dorothy & Thomas Hoobler. 
Genre: Fiction

Cause and Effect

The cause of this whole conflict was the fact that the bear was not afraid of him. To cole was an insult that made him angry at the bear. He thought that anything that was not afraid of him defied him. Cole did not like the fact the bear was not scared of him. So Cole wanted to kill the spirit bear. This is mostly a person vs nature but is also, Person vs society, and a person vs self.

         Sense the bear was much stronger and bigger than Cole he had no chance. Trying to kill the bear had been a horrible idea. Cole struck first not doing anything the bear made a counter attack. After the bear was finished Cole was finished. He had lost all hope. The effect was him wishing that he had never did any of the thing he had did. Another effect was that After he had been mauled he tried to fix everything he had done wrong.

Author note: I think that Cole could change and realize he is not better than everything.

Monday, October 8, 2012

I Did Not Wet Myself

Have you ever gotten something to drink in a big cup. When you try to get a drink you accidently spill it. It spill right in your lap and looks like you peed on yourself. Well that is exactly what happened to me.
I was at a family thanksgiving party. It was at my aunt Debbie’s. I am getting reading to sit down to eat. I ask, “if I could go and get a drink from the kitchen”. My aunt said, “ yes but be quick about we are ready to eat”. I went to the kitchen got the milk and a cup it was huge. I poured the milk in the cup.
I got a drink and spilled the milk on myself. When I looked down it was right in front. I got a rag and tried to dry it off. It help a little but it still looked wet. I tried to use some paper towels. They did not do anything at all. I started to panic thinking everyone would laugh at me. So I sat in the kitchen waiting for my mom to look for me. I did not want to walk out in the dining room.
My aunt called me into the kitchen to eat. I told her that I could not. So my mom came into the kitchen to see why. I showed her the spot where I spilt the milk.  She tried to dry it off and I said it, “won’t work” and it did not.  She wanted me to come out of the kitchen to the room to change. I refused to leave at all. She asked “why” and I said they would laugh at me if they saw.
She took off her jacket and tied it around my waist. Then walked me to the room we were staying in. She brought out clean pants and I put them on. Eventually I decided that I would go and eat. Everyone patiently waited for me to sit down. I sat down we said prayer and we ate. Then for some strange reason I thought what if I spill the gravy in my lap what would I do.