Thursday, November 29, 2012

Character Development

Authors note: The essay is on the character development of Cole Mathews in the book touching spirit bear.

Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen was an exceptionally good book. It clearly explains what was going on with cole. It is written so well it will make you feel like you could be him. When you read it’s as if there is a movie playing in your head and you see everything that is happening. The main character of the book is Cole Mathews and also Peter Driscal.

Cole Mathews caused troubles were ever he would be. He would steel then brag to other kids about it. Cole was an insanely uncontrollable child. Cole is angry all the time with no explanation. When Cole is angry he is not just angry at himself he feels angry at everyone else. When peter Driscal told the police that Cole stole a knife. Cole beat him up and smashed his head into a sidewalk. Smashing peters head was what started the change for cole. Just like in the story surviving the “Applewhites” by Stephen S. Tolans. Is about a boy who causes trouble in all his school to be put in home school. There he learns to be a family with the Applewhites and change his ways.  In some way they are change by the people and things around them.

After beating up peter cole was picked up and sent to a juvenile detention. He also went to circle justice to help. It seemed that nothing would help him. Later he was sent to an island that was supposed to help him. He burnt down the shelter he was supposed to live in. It was unnecessary but it meant nothing to Cole. Cole tried to escape to a nearby island but could not. Afterward encountered a great white bear and tried to kill it. The table's turns after it mauls him almost to death, which makes him realize everything that he has done.

After realizing what he has destroyed he tries making everything better. Changing was Cole’s most difficult task to do. People noticed that he has changed. But many people did not like that it he had to almost die to realize he had to change. After what occurred he also tried helping peter. Getting a second chance on the island he has peter come with him. So he can become friends and bond with peter to know how he feels.

In conclusion, Cole Mathew has changed in a very extraordinary way. Not only becoming more caring but also is forgiving, understanding and friendlier. Him changing has gave him a new friend and a new prospective of life.

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