Friday, January 18, 2013

Comparing Book to Movie

Author’s note: I am comparing and contrasting a movie and a book. The movie and the book are great, but I think that I like the movie more than the book.

Imagine when people used to ride horses for transportation, or used candles to light there house at night. That is how it is in the movie The Patriot, and in the book Give Me Liberty. There are many things that you can compare and contrast between the movie and book.

One of the first things that are the same is it is based around the same time in the movie and book. 1775–1783 was the time of the revolutionary war which is the time setting in both the story and movie. In Give me Liberty they talk of the war and how it works and The Patriot shows it. The biggest topic they bring up all the time between both of them is war, but they also have many differences too.

A difference between the movie and the book is different point of view. The movies point of view is by a third person so you see everything that is going on. It is different in the book it’s a first person point of view, everything is being told by a slave who is traveling with a musician. Sense the story is told by a young kid he does not know as much so it does not talk about as much.

In the movie it talks about slavery and shows them and free used to be slaves. The books talks about slaves and how the character is a slave, but does not talk about any free slaves. Both books talk about how if slaves join the war they will have their freedom given to them.

In conclusion they both have many alike things, but also has just as many different things. So they both have slaves that will be granted freedom. They are based in the same time, and talks of war a lot of the time.


Emmerich, R. (Director). (2000). The patriot [Motion Picture].


Emmerich, R. (Director). (2000). The patriot [Motion Picture].
L>M>Elliott. (2006). Give Me Liberty. New York: Katherine Tegen Books.

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