Monday, November 14, 2011

                                                       Anthony's road runner
There fast there mean and they can’t be caught road runners. Why would you want to be one? My reason is if I ever raced I would never lose. Also because they have great flexibility in their legs.
Road runners have long legs so they can get high speeds. Road runners can run close or up to 20miles an hour. A most people as an adult only can run faster than a road runner. Road runners have long legs to get fast animal and escape quickly. Road runners also have short round tipped wings, so if there is danger over a hill it can fly for a few seconds over the hill. Also road runners have long legs so when they sense danger the can leave in an instant.
A road runner will eat mostly other animals, like insects, scorpions, other birds, lizards, snakes including rattle snakes and rodents. During the winter road runners eat plants because of the scarce amount of animals. Road runners can eat rattle snakes because they are immune to poisons animals. The main foods for a road runner consist of mostly snakes and rodents, because they pick them up with their beaks and slam them on the ground till they die.
Road runners are in southwestern United States and Mexico. In Grassy, dessert, or small wooded areas. The road runner’s habitat is usually a nest above the ground. Almost always in a bush, cactus, or tree so that predators like coyotes can’t get them. The male or female road runner will build the nest out of leaves, sticks, and other material.
When road runners reproduce the female lays 2-5 eggs in a bunch. The female lays about two bunches a year depending on the species. They can take about 18-20 depending on the how warm it is. The parents don’t stay very long; after the eggs have been laid the parents will stay in till they hatch.
                And those are the reasons I would like to be a road runner. So think of why you would want to be a road runner.

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