Thursday, November 29, 2012

Stealing a Golden Hook

Authors note: I think that it would end this way because he asked him not to take the hook. So I thought that somehow he would lose his hand and be taken by the old mans spirit.

With the old man’s words echoing through his head is became very nervous. Cody sat down to think about what he was about to do. Without any thoughts Cody grabbed the hook and ran. He ran as fast as he could back to the old man’s grave. Not knowing about what was ahead he runs right into a big black animal. He quickly noticed the large paws and the animal’s great size. The animal turns to see what happened and quickly goes for a bite at the boy. In defense he puts his right arm in front and the bear takes his hand. Cody thinking it was probably from taking the hook he grabs the hook and runs back home.
That night after fixing up his hand well at least were it used to be. He lay down then hearing a faint voice saying “saying give it back”. Afterwards came a bloodcurdling scream from his house. To terrified the town’s people waited till morning to check the young man’s home. Finding nothing but the golden hook sitting in the middle of the room, there was no trace of the boy again. But before leaving they encountered a strange figure with only one hand. Many people say it was the ghost of the old many others say it was the young man Cody. Some nights you can still hear the scream of Cody and see him running through the woods.

only bW � i g ȭ� @� ing but also is forgiving, understanding and friendlier. Him changing has gave him a new friend and a new prospective of life.

Character Development

Authors note: The essay is on the character development of Cole Mathews in the book touching spirit bear.

Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen was an exceptionally good book. It clearly explains what was going on with cole. It is written so well it will make you feel like you could be him. When you read it’s as if there is a movie playing in your head and you see everything that is happening. The main character of the book is Cole Mathews and also Peter Driscal.

Cole Mathews caused troubles were ever he would be. He would steel then brag to other kids about it. Cole was an insanely uncontrollable child. Cole is angry all the time with no explanation. When Cole is angry he is not just angry at himself he feels angry at everyone else. When peter Driscal told the police that Cole stole a knife. Cole beat him up and smashed his head into a sidewalk. Smashing peters head was what started the change for cole. Just like in the story surviving the “Applewhites” by Stephen S. Tolans. Is about a boy who causes trouble in all his school to be put in home school. There he learns to be a family with the Applewhites and change his ways.  In some way they are change by the people and things around them.

After beating up peter cole was picked up and sent to a juvenile detention. He also went to circle justice to help. It seemed that nothing would help him. Later he was sent to an island that was supposed to help him. He burnt down the shelter he was supposed to live in. It was unnecessary but it meant nothing to Cole. Cole tried to escape to a nearby island but could not. Afterward encountered a great white bear and tried to kill it. The table's turns after it mauls him almost to death, which makes him realize everything that he has done.

After realizing what he has destroyed he tries making everything better. Changing was Cole’s most difficult task to do. People noticed that he has changed. But many people did not like that it he had to almost die to realize he had to change. After what occurred he also tried helping peter. Getting a second chance on the island he has peter come with him. So he can become friends and bond with peter to know how he feels.

In conclusion, Cole Mathew has changed in a very extraordinary way. Not only becoming more caring but also is forgiving, understanding and friendlier. Him changing has gave him a new friend and a new prospective of life.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Thank The Founding Fathers

Authors note: I believe without them many thing would been different than it is now.

The Founding Fathers were political leaders who participated in the American Revolution. They participated by signing the declaration of independence. Also taking place in the Revolutionary war, and  establishing the united states constitution. The founding fathers gave us so much. Nothing would be the same without them.
            I would sincerely like to thank the founding father for what they have done. Signing the declaration of independence has changed plenty of thing. The declaration gave us right that we would have never had. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion or the fact the all people are treated equally.
            There two different groups in the founding fathers. The signers and the framers. The signers were the one who signed it. Giving independence to everyone including you and me. The framers  were the ones who created the declaration of independence. Taking time to draft it sometimes most likely have to start over and make it better. Till they had it supreme and ready to be presented to get signed.
            Many of the founding fathers used to b ordinary people.   Benjamin Franklin was an inventor and  newspaper editor in Philadelphia. John Adams was a young boy who skipped school to fish and hunt. His father wanted him to have a formal education and eventually become a teacher . George Washington was a young man with and elementary education. Even though they may have had bad past they got extraordinary futures.
            If one thing had changed their past we could have never had this future. I thank them for doing what they did and knowing what is write. Doing many things to help our country they did the best. Many people have did things to change history the founding fathers changed history the most.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

In Darkness Death

Author's note: This is my retelling piece on the book In Darkness Death.

Siekie and Judge ooka try to solve the murder of lord Anaba. The only way to solve the mystery is to go on a deadly Journey  finding clues. When they find to final clue they are shocked on what they uncovered.

Author: Dorothy & Thomas Hoobler. 
Genre: Fiction

Cause and Effect

The cause of this whole conflict was the fact that the bear was not afraid of him. To cole was an insult that made him angry at the bear. He thought that anything that was not afraid of him defied him. Cole did not like the fact the bear was not scared of him. So Cole wanted to kill the spirit bear. This is mostly a person vs nature but is also, Person vs society, and a person vs self.

         Sense the bear was much stronger and bigger than Cole he had no chance. Trying to kill the bear had been a horrible idea. Cole struck first not doing anything the bear made a counter attack. After the bear was finished Cole was finished. He had lost all hope. The effect was him wishing that he had never did any of the thing he had did. Another effect was that After he had been mauled he tried to fix everything he had done wrong.

Author note: I think that Cole could change and realize he is not better than everything.

Monday, October 8, 2012

I Did Not Wet Myself

Have you ever gotten something to drink in a big cup. When you try to get a drink you accidently spill it. It spill right in your lap and looks like you peed on yourself. Well that is exactly what happened to me.
I was at a family thanksgiving party. It was at my aunt Debbie’s. I am getting reading to sit down to eat. I ask, “if I could go and get a drink from the kitchen”. My aunt said, “ yes but be quick about we are ready to eat”. I went to the kitchen got the milk and a cup it was huge. I poured the milk in the cup.
I got a drink and spilled the milk on myself. When I looked down it was right in front. I got a rag and tried to dry it off. It help a little but it still looked wet. I tried to use some paper towels. They did not do anything at all. I started to panic thinking everyone would laugh at me. So I sat in the kitchen waiting for my mom to look for me. I did not want to walk out in the dining room.
My aunt called me into the kitchen to eat. I told her that I could not. So my mom came into the kitchen to see why. I showed her the spot where I spilt the milk.  She tried to dry it off and I said it, “won’t work” and it did not.  She wanted me to come out of the kitchen to the room to change. I refused to leave at all. She asked “why” and I said they would laugh at me if they saw.
She took off her jacket and tied it around my waist. Then walked me to the room we were staying in. She brought out clean pants and I put them on. Eventually I decided that I would go and eat. Everyone patiently waited for me to sit down. I sat down we said prayer and we ate. Then for some strange reason I thought what if I spill the gravy in my lap what would I do.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

I Am a God

Authors note: I think this is my best short story

My name is Anthony. I have seven gold cars and live on mount Olympus. I am a god! I am the one who decides what people do how they do it and when. When people pray I am the who decides if it come true. The day there time is up I am the one who is there, and when it is time to start a new one I am there. I do have helpers but only for little things such as the tooth fairy, saint nick, cupid, Easter bunny. Yes they are all real to. Just as they are and I am there is always the bad one. He is the devil the who makes nightmares and stormy days.

Most storms are made by me when they need plants watered or there are bad fires. I was the one who created them and all they ever want is more. They destroy nature and each other. Violence is all they ever know when two people want the same thing. I think I should start all over again. Make better people that care about others and the planet. You know what that is what I am going to do.

Today I will send fire destroying everything making it all better. Restarting life as we know it making it a better place. Know they all will know how the earth feels. They are finally all gone now is when I will start over. Using every bit of energy to make them better. giving them all a part of my soul. Making them all like me and maybe one day defeating the devil.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Authors note: I think that The book was okay I was not that interested in it.
If you could turn young again or stop aging I think that would be amazing but bad. Like say everyone did it the world would over populate.

Have you ever wanted to age backwards, or have a second chance at life?
Being able defy the laws of nature. Margaret Haddix, author of Turnabout, wrote about a group of elderly who take an antidote to grow young. Not know that the injecting to stop the aging was deadly. Turnabout is an interesting book to read if you are looking for horror, and suspense.

The horror for Melly and Anny Beth are unbearable. Just like the movie the curious case of Benjamin Button. They grow from old to young. Between the movie and the book Benjamin is born old. In the book Melly and Anny grow old take and injection that makes them young.Aging is supposed to stop with another injection but turns out to be lethal.

Ones Melly and Anny find out that the injection is deadly they run away. While there gone they do a family search and Melly’s finds her one of her granddaughter. How would you feel if this happened? If the injection worked they would live forever just like a vampire.

They are also scared because if people find out what will happen to them. They also want to tell people to see if they can stop the aging. What would you do? Just like the movie Reaper they are stuck between two choices. In reaper they can make people old or young, But don’t know they should tell or not. Melly goes to one of their grandchildren living in their old home. Anny tells her everything that happens and does not tell. I think that I would tell so they could stop the aging.

If this was real it would be an amazing discovery. Turnabout would be a good book to read. Eventually there granddaughter becomes there mom when they become children.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Anthony's third person

Authors note: I think it was my fifth best gift and they are pants.

I was in the store when someone started looking at me. He took me and tried me on. they fit! Then he put me in his cart. I stayed in the cart for a little while then he put me on a belt. I slowly went down it till I stopped. I was picked up and scanned. They gave this person a card to pay for me. Then he took me to his car drove home and put me in his dresser. He has only wore me one.